Charity Fund supports employees for Movember effort

Great tashes lads!!
The ABER Instruments charity fund joined with a number of employees from our manufacturing team in raising funds for prostrate cancer Uk via the ‘Movember’ initiative.
Movember, the month formerly known as November, is when brave and selfless men around the world grow a moustache, and women step up to support them, all to raise awareness and funds for men’s health – specifically prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.
Movember was established in 2003 by a few friends over a beer in a pub just outside Melbourne, Australia. During Movember, men grow a moustache for the month, getting friends, family and colleagues to donate to their effort. Men and women can also chose to Move or Host a Mo-ment. They want men to take action to live happier, healthier, longer lives and do this by investing in these critical areas: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.
Movember has created a movement of over 5 million supporters across the world, funding more than 1,200 innovative men’s health projects across more than 20 countries.
Prostate Cancer UK is the main beneficiary of the Movember campaign. For the last ten years, the amazing efforts of the Mo Bros and Mo Sistas from across the UK have significantly contributed to our research initiatives and have supported men by investing in our services.
Here’s a little on the Movember & Prostrate UK work: